Ref. No. CN6856
Plus VAT
Residential Land
Plot: 6712m²
Plot Zone: Ka8
Building Density: 60%
Covering Factor: 35%
Max floors: 2
Max Height: 10


Sold : Residential Land - Empa - €498,000

The property for sale is located within the administrative boundaries of Emba Village, of Paphos District. The property is approximately 1.1 km northeast of the populated area of the community and Apostolos Andreas Church and approximately 50 meters west of the main road that connects Emba – Tala Community.

The property consists of a residential field that has an irregular shape and almost flat surface. Along its western border, adapt to a registered asphalt road, with a frontage of approximately 85 meters. 

For more information please contact us. THE PRICE MAY BE SUBJECT TO VAT.

Attached on main road
Investment Opportunity
Plus VAT
Residential zone
Title Deeds
Town: 10 min drive